",The SmartyKat Bouncy Mouse Interactive Teaser Cat Toy will get couch kitties moving with a bouncing mouse that's fun to chase. This teaser toy helps fulfill your kitty's need for interactive play and helps you create a bond through active, rewarding play. The ring slips over your finger, and you'll have complete control of the cute mouse puppet that bobs up and down at the end of the bungee cord. This bouncing motion will bring out the hunter in your cat, and she'll love biting all of the different textures once she captures her mousy prey."
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Safety Warning:
",For pets only. Contains small parts. Keep out of reach of children. Pets should be supervised when playing with this toy. Immediately remove toy from pet if any part becomes loose or detached. Store out of pet's reach when not in use. Remove all packaging and dispose of properly, or retain in a safe place, as appropriate.