Only 5% of a flea infestation is found on the pet. The other 95% is found off the pet, in the environment. This fast-acting spray provides quick knockdown and helps control an infestation in your home by killing fleas, brown dog ticks, dust mites and bed bugs where they hide.
Controls and kills fleas, brown dog ticks, bed bugs, dust mites, stink bugs and more
Offers indoor two-week control on carpet, wood and ceramic surfaces
Will not stain water-safe fabrics and surfaces
For indoor use in homes, apartments and residences
Bed bugs, fleas, brown dog ticks, ants (excluding fire, pharaoh and harvester ants), spiders (excluding brown recluse and black widow), stink bugs, boxelder bugs, clothes moths, dust mites, crickets, earwigs, millipedes, moths, multicolored Asian lady beetles, silverfish