",SmartyKat Catnip Mist takes the allure of catnip and infused it into a safe and convenient spray. Catnip naturally stimulates most cats, providing a burst of playful energy, usually followed by a mellow period. It attracts cats like a magnet and Catnip Mist is a neater and cleaner way to lure cats to toys, scratchers and bedding"
",Catnip Oil; PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil; Water; Methylchloroisothiazolinone"
",For pets only. Keep out of reach of children."
Life Stage:
",All Life Stages"
Life Stage:
",All Life Stages"
Safety Warning:
",Store out of pet's reach when not in use. Do not take internally. Do not spray on pets. Use only as directed. Remove all packaging and dispose of properly.